
claribeth contreras quiroz

martes, 18 de junio de 2013

lecturas para responder

1. John__ to Mary now (talk) 2. I___ television every night. (watch) 3. The children usually ____ to bed at nine o'clock. (go) 4. ___ a book at the moment?. (Richard read) 5. They ___ to the theatre very often. (not go) 6. I __ at the moment. (not study) 7. I __ English, although I ___ at the moment. (not speak) / (study) 8. I ___ in Valencia, though I ___ in Madrid at the moment. (live) / (stay) 9. I __ in a hotel at the moment, although I my own apartment. (stay) / (have) 10. She___ from Chile, though she___ in New York just now. (come) / (live) Iford Manor has been described as one of the most stunning concert venues in the West Country. Throughout high summer, Iford Arts stages an internationally renowned festival in a breathtakingly beautiful pastoral setting. Operatic performances are staged in-the-round in the intimate surroundings of the Italianate Cloister, which could not be more perfect in terms of scale and style. While the classical backdrop could hardly be more fitting, the real delight for our audiences is that, as the sky turns purple overhead, the first stars appear and the first heady notes resound across the countryside, no-one is seated less than twenty feet from the performers. The opportunity for a relaxing pre-show picnic in our tranquil gardens overlooking the meandering River Frome will complete an already magical experience. Iford Arts, a registered charity promoting the appreciation of performing arts in the west of England, aims to benefit the local community by engaging young professional artists and stimulating young people’s enjoyment of being involved in live performances. We hope to support young musicians in their career development by encouraging them to develop repertoire and perform to a supportive audience and providing the exquisite environment in which to do so. Iford Arts does not receive any public subsidies, relying on vital private contributions. We offer various levels of private patronage and corporate sponsorship, each providing a range of privileges such as priority booking. 1-What aspect of Iford Manor is emphasized in the first paragraph? a-the Italian-style architecture b-the countryside location c- the seating arrangements d-the quality of the music 2-What is the main purpose in the second paragraph? a-To describe the history of the performances b-To encourage young musicians to perform at the Manor c-To encourage people to donate to the charity d-To inform people about how they can be involved in charity work 3- In the second paragraph, why does the character mention the ‘romantic novels where the entrapped heroine finds her freedom and salvation through music’? a-Because she envies the heroines’ musical talent b-Because she feels in a similar position to these heroines c-Because the heroine’s experiences contrast strongly with her own d-Because she wishes that music will give her a similar sense of freedom 4- Why does the character in the text ‘hammer out that lullaby’ (last paragraph )? a-She wishes to create disruption in the house. b-She dislikes the music of this classical composer. c-She is angry because she would rather be outside. d-She is attempting to express herself through music 5- What does the study seek to do? a-Investigate an issue which is already widely accepted b- Prove a hypothesis which may revolutionise teaching c-Challenge a popular idea d-Improve the literacy skills in two neighbouring schools Some years ago, my husband and I went to stay with our friend, John, at a ‘pousada’ (guest house) he had opened in Party, a small town in Brazil. John was going to have his 30th birthday after we left and to celebrate this event, we told him we would like to take him out somewhere special for a meal. He said he knew just the place and duly made all the arrangements. On the date set, we parked and suddenly Senior Roberto, the owner of the restaurant, appeared out of the darkness clutching a candle in a jam jar. He led us up the hillside into the darkness along a well lit, but steep, winding path which seemed to fall away. We had no idea where we were going and held each others’ hands. We suddenly realized the restaurant was above us and as we arrived, we were introduced to Senior Roberto’s wife and daughter, who stood shyly in the makeshift kitchen waiting to serve the food. The restaurant itself was no less magical than the trip up, with two small tables set with banana leaves for place mats and an arrangement of fabulous tropical flowers. It quickly became apparent that we were the only guests and would be served dishes from food bought fresh at market and selected by the family, so after chatting briefly, Senhor Roberto served the first course, which was some kind of Brazilian river fish served with fried banana. More delights followed and the main course and high point of the meal was ‘Bobo de camarao’, a dish of prawns served inside a baked pumpkin. It was a remarkable meal, and what I remember was how Senhor Roberto and his family had served and prepared the meal with a love of their local produce. 1-Why did the writer want to take John out for a meal? A to celebrate his birthday B- to commemorate a special event in the town C to celebrate seeing each other again 2 How does the writer describe the pathway to the restaurant? A difficult B surprising C busy John Prince, famous dancer and choreographer, gives advice on how to succeed in a career in the arts. I asked John how he got started and what requirements there are. "Well, to be a professional dancer it's useful to have had acting lessons or some background in drama. If you want to succeed in musical theatre you have to have a good singing voice as well. When you approach an agent you should take a portfolio with your CV, your statistics sheet and some good photos and reviews of past performances. You'll need dance clothes, ballet shoes, tap shoes, and even roller skates depending on what kind of show you are going to go for." 1 "Of course, you need to be extremely fit if you want to be a professional dancer. I dance or move about for about six hours a day. There are great health benefits to being a dancer. I can eat a lot of pasta without gaining weight because dancing increases your metabolism so much." 2 John has a very busy schedule in the next few months. He took time out to speak to me today from the making of a pop video to promote N-ergy's latest record. "I choreographed the dance routine for the boys and they only had 2 days in which to learn it! I am going to be working on a video for another well known band - but that's top secret. Next month I'll be touring Spain in a production of a musical that was written by a friend of mine, Michaela Evans. 3 As for the future, I've come to realise that I would never be content to be just a chorus dancer - I'm too much of an individual for that. Like all artists I'd love to become a household name by writing and choreographing my own musicals." John was born in Jamaica to a Jamaican father and a Scottish mother but the family emigrated to England 20 years ago. "I have a little sister I adore, who is also training to be a dancer." How does it feel to have someone else following in your footsteps? 4 Has he much more to learn, I wondered. "I've spent an incredible amount of my life training to get where I am. I went to college for two years in England, I trained for six months in Paris and about eight months in America. But you never really stop training or learning your art." 5 So, would you say it's been plain sailing? "I feel I've been lucky to a degree; many people hit problems breaking into the arts. It can be a vicious circle really. You can't become a member of Equity, which is the actors' and dancers' union, without good contracts. and you can't get good contracts without being a member of Equity. My advice to people who want to get into the arts would be to go out into the world, and try everything else first. 6 What has a dance career done for you as a person? "Thanks to dancing, I've visited and performed in 23 countries so far. This has opened my eyes to the world, and I've been able to understand issues like racism and inequality from a wider perspective. 7 "So all in all I'm really happy to be a dancer!" A It's fine, but I try not to give out too much advice as it gets irritating! B And if nothing you like comes out of it, then come back and be an actor or dancer. C Without a strict daily timetable like this you find yourself wasting too much time. D After that it's back to England to start a new term of dance classes. E Hopefully this has enabled me to become a better and more tolerant person as a result. F When it comes to coping with stress, I find that exercise helps me to cope with my problems, so I stay in good shape mentally as well. G Like any profession where you're always travelling, you tend to acquire something new almost every day. H Being fully equipped with all this stuff beforehand makes it easier when you go for auditions. Environmental Concerns Earth is the only (0) ... we know of in the universe that can support human life. (1) ... human activities are making the planet less fit to live on. As the western world (2) ... on consuming two-thirds of the world's resources while half of the world's population do so (3) ... to stay alive we are rapidly destroying the (4) ... resource we have by which all people can survive and prosper. Everywhere fertile soil is (5) ... built on or washed into the sea. Renewable resources are exploited so much that they will never be able to recover (6) ... We discharge pollutants into the atmosphere without any thought of the consequences. As a (7) ... the planet's ability to support people is being (8) ... at the very time when rising human numbers and consumption are (9) ... increasingly heavy demands on it. The Earth's (10) ... resources are there for us to use. We need food, water, air, energy, medicines, warmth, shelter and minerals to (11) ... us fed, comfortable, healthy and active. If we are sensible in how we use the resources they will (12) ... indefinitely. But if we use them wastefully and excessively they will soon run out and everyone will suffer 1 a-Although b-Still c- Yet d- Despite 2 a- continues b- repeats c- carries d- follows 3- a- already b- just c- for d- entirely 4- a- alone b- individual c- lone d- only 5- a- sooner b- neither c- either d- rather Read the text and then type the correct form of the word in CAPITALS to complete the gaps. There is an example at the beginning. Food Production In the not-too-distant past farm animals were able to live (0) NATURAL lives in what we would now term NATURE 'free-range' conditions. Such farming methods however, were not able to supply the rapidly growing (1) ... POPULATE of the world and the increasing demands on food (2) ... In order to cope with this rising demand,factory CONSUME farming methods were introduced along with the (3) ... DEVELOP of genetically engineered (4) ... hormones, which GROW resulted in a massive increase in food (5) ... PRODUCE However, these developments in the use of factory farming and drug (6) ... have led to a widespread TREAT feeling that animals are being caused a lot of distress and that the quality of the food itself suffers as a consequence. Certainly, many people (7) ... with the idea AGREE of keeping animals in one building for their entire (8) ... EXIST and argue that more emphasis should be given to (9) ... ALTERNATE farming methods. A growing number of people are choosing to eat organic food, supporting farmers who use free-range methods, a system which has proved to be both (10) ... and more humane. ECONOMY Dress Code UK companies have received (0) CRITICISM from CRITIC a business forum for what their report refers to as a rather narrow-minded attitude towards the dress code for office workers. This follows a case in which a male (1) ... working in the post room of a EMPLOY large (2) ... in the United Kingdom received a ORGANIZE (3) ... for wearing jeans to work. SUSPEND Whilst the report accepts that there is a need for people dealing with (4) ... to look well dressed, CUSTOM it questions whether employees who work behind the scenes necessarily need to dress formally. The authors of the report made a (5) ... between COMPARE the UK and other European nations where employers seem (6) ... about the need for their CONCERN workers to wear smart clothes in the office. Their (7) ... is based on research that claims ARGUE workers are far more (8) ... when they have the PRODUCT (9) ... to dress in a way that they feel most FREE (10) ... in. COMFORT


I don’t enjoy ____ computers. (use) 2. The bank manager absolutely refused____ me any money. (lend) 3. Luis has decided ___ his Porsche and a Ferrari. (sell / buy) 4. Don’t forget __ me when you get to the hotel. (phone) 5. I love ___ in Spain now, but I really miss___ fish and chips out of English newspaper. (live / eat) 6. I gave up ___ and ___ alcohol last year. I don’t feel any healthier, just depressed. (smoke / drink) 7. Would you like ___ out for a drink with me next Saturday night? (go) 8. I regret ___ that job in Nigeria. (not take) 9. Angeles hates ___ in the city. (drive) 10. Why do you keep on __ at me like that? (look) 11. If you happen __ Ruben, tell him I’d like ___ with him. (see / speak) 12. I feel like__ shopping and ___ all my husband’s money! (go / spend)

lunes, 30 de julio de 2012

POEMA YO VOY SOÑANDO CAMINOS Yo voy soñando caminos De la tarde ¡las colinas! Doradas los verdes pinos Las polvorientas encinas ¿A dónde el camino ira? Yo voy cantando viajero A lo largo del sendero la tarde cayendo esta y todo el mundo un momento se queda mudo y sombrio meditando. Suena el viento en los álamos del rio 1. cuantos versos tiene? 2.los versos son de arte mayor o de arte menor?3. divida los versos en silabas.

domingo, 22 de julio de 2012

Fill the gap using the verb in brackets.Three gaps need a NEGATIVE verb and watch out for the third person S! 1 If Clare ___________________ late again, the hockey trainer will be furious. (to arrive) 2 You'll be sorry if you ___________________ for your exams. (to revise) 3 We ___________________ if the weather's good. (to go) 4 They ___________________ you if you wear a wig and dark glasses. (to recognise) 5 If the bus ___________________ on time, I won't miss the football. (to be) 6 If you ___________________ your homework now, you'll be free all tomorrow. (to do) 7 We___________________ out if there's no food at home. (to eat) 8 You'll find life much easier if you ___________________ more often. (to smile) 9 If it's hot, we___________________ for a swim. (to go) 10 You'll do it better if you ___________________ more time over it. (to take) 11 If she ___________________ practising, she'll get better. (to keep) 12 Mum will be very sad if Jim ___________________ Mother's Day again. (to forget) 13 I___________________ so happy if I pass the exam. (to be) 14 You'll be really tired tomorrow if you ___________________ to bed soon. (to go) 15 The government ___________________ the next election if they continue to ignore public opinion. (to lose) 16 If Valencia FC win the Spanish football league, I___________________ my hair blue. (to dye) 17 If someone ___________________ you a bike, you can come with us. (to lend)
consultar 1) If I (go) out tonight, I (go) to the cinema. .. 2) If you (get) back late, I (be) angry. .. 3) If we (not/see) each other tomorrow 4)If we (go) on holiday this summer, we (go) to Spain 5) If the weather (not/improve) , we (not/have) a picnic. 6) They (go) to the party if they (be) invited.

miércoles, 8 de diciembre de 2010

lectura para la prueba de español


En la prueba de comprensión rodea con un círculo una de las tres letras: a, b, c.

Cuando reinaba el califa Al-Mahdi, se presentó un hombre llamado Isaac Saíd ante el portero del palacio y le dijo:
-Anúnciame al emir de los creyentes.
Y Rebi, el portero, le preguntó:
-Dime quién eres y qué es lo que pretendes.
Y Saíd le respondió:
-Yo soy un hombre que ha tenido una visión relacionada con el emir de los creyentes y querría contársela.
Y el portero Rebi le replicó:
-¿Vaya con éste! Si la gente no suele dar crédito a lo que ve, ¿cómo va a dárselo a lo que otros le cuentan? Discurre otra treta mejor que ésta.
Pero Saíd le dijo al portero:
Está bien; pero te prevengo que si no pasas a anunciarle mi presencia al califa, me valdré de otro que me haga llegar hasta él, y entonces le contaré que te rogué que me anunciases y te negaste.
Pasó luego Rebi a la cámara del califa y le dijo:
-¡Oh, emir de los creyentes! A la puerta hay un hombre que pretende haber tenido una visión buena relacionada contigo y desea contártela.
-Pues hazle pasar -díjole Al-Mahdi.
Pasó Saíd a la presencia del califa. Y dicen que era Saíd hombre de buena planta y buena cara, y tenía unas barbas muy largas y una lengua muy suelta. Y, al verlo, le preguntó el califa:
-¿Qué visión fue esa que tuviste, así Alá te bendiga?
-Vi a alguien que venía a mí en un sueño y me decía: "Anúnciale al emir de los creyentes que se sentará en el trono por espacio de treinta años y, en señal de eso, verá la próxima noche en su sueño un rubí y luego treinta rubíes más".
Al oír aquello exclamó Al-Mahdi:
-¡Qué bello sueño! He de probar lo que dices en mi sueño esta noche, y si se confirma tu anuncio, te daré más de lo que pudieras ambicionar; y si no fuera así, no te he de castigar, pues los sueños dicen una veces la verdad y otras nos engañan.
Luego que acabó de hablar el califa, le dijo Saíd:
-¡Oh, emir de los creyentes! Cuando yo vuelva a mi casa y le cuente a mi familia que tuve el honor de llegar hasta el califa (Alá le colme de mercedes) y me vean que vuelvo con las manos vacías, ¿qué dirán? ¡Creerán que es mentira!
-¿Pues qué quieres que haga? -le dijo Al-Mahdi.
Y le contestó Saíd:
-¡Oh, emir de los creyentes! Anticípame algo a cuenta de lo prometido. Mandó entonces el califa que le diesen diez mil monedas y le pidió un fiador de que había de volver al día siguiente.
Tomó Saíd el dinero y Al-Mahdi le preguntó:
-Bueno; ¿quién es tu fiador?
Miró Saíd a su alrededor y se fijó en un mozo que allí estaba, y dijo al califa:
-Este será mi fiador.
Al-Mahdi preguntó al muchacho:
-¿Sales fiador por él?
Y el muchacho exclamó:
-Sí, emir de los creyentes. Yo seré su faidor.
Fuese luego Saíd de allí con las diez mil monedas. Y sucedió que, llegada la noche de aquel día, tuvo el califa en su sueño la visión que Saíd le había anunciado, todo al pie de la letra, como él le había indicado.
Al amanecer, Saíd se levantó y se dirigió a la puerta del califa, y pidió que le anunciasen su venida. Dio luego Al-Mahdi orden de que lo introdujeran y, no bien posó en él su mirada, le dijo:
-¿Dónde está la verdad de lo que me dijiste?
Y Saíd le replicó:
-¿Pues qué fue lo que vio el emir de los creyentes?
Demoró el califa la respuesta y dijo:

-En verdad tuve la visión que me dijiste, tal y como me la describiste.
Y en el acto mandó que le diesen tres mil dinares y diez arcas de ropas de todas clases y tres caballerías de las mejores que en sus cuadras había.
Cargó Saíd con todo aquello y se retiró muy contento. Y he aquí que, en la puerta, se tropezó con aquel muchacho que le había servido de fiador.
Y el mozo le comentó:
-Por lo visto ese sueño tenía su fundamento.
Y Saíd le contestó:
-¡Por Alá, que no!
Pero el chico le replicó:
-¿Cómo es eso si el emir de los creyentes tuvo el sueño que le anunciaste con todos sus detalles?
-Sí -dijo Saíd-; pero esos son delirios que no tienen padre. Pues todo se debe a que al decirle yo al califa esas palabras impresioné su espíritu y cautivé su corazón y ocupé su imaginación, y al echarse luego a dormir, seguía preocupado con aquello que tenía en su corazón y en su sueño lo vio.
Maravillado se quedó al oírlo el muchacho y Saíd le dijo:
-Ya sabes el secreto; te lo he revelado en atención al favor que me hiciste saliendo mi fiador. Pero, por Alá, te ruego que no lo dejes salir de tu pecho.
Y es el caso que, a partir de aquel día, pasó Saíd a ser comensal del califa, el cual se encariñó con él y lo nombró juez y no le retiró su favor y atenciones mientras vivió. ¡Pero Alá es más sabio!
Las mil y una noches.
1.- ¿Cómo se llamaba el califa?
a) Al-Mahdi.
b) Isaac Saíd.
c) Rebi.

2.- Al califa también le llamaban:
a) El hijo de Alá.
b) El bienaventurado de los cielos.
c) El emir de los creyentes.
3.- El portero Rebi no dejaba entrar al principio a Saíd porque:
a) Tenía mal aspecto.
b) La gente no suele dar crédito a lo que cuentan.
c) No se creía el sueño.
4.- Isaac Saíd tenía:
a) Una barba corta.
b) Una barba puntiaguda.
c) Una barba larga.
5.- El sueño consistía en que el emir ocuparía el trono durante:
a) Treinta años.
b) Veinte años.
c) Diez años.
6.- La señal de la veracidad del sueño es que el emir vería:
a) Veintiocho rubíes.
b) Un rubí y luego treinta rubíes más.
c) Un rubí y veinte rubíes más.
7.- Al-Mahdi dio a Saíd en anticipo:
a) Diez mil monedas.
b) Diez arcas de ropas.
c) Tres caballerías.
8.- ¿Tenía fundamento el sueño?
a) Sí.

b) No.
c) A veces.
9.- ¿Por qué el emir tuvo el sueño anunciado?
a) Porque los sueños son siempre realidad.
b) Porque Saíd era brujo.
c) Porque se acostó pensando en lo que le dijo Saíd.
10.- El califa Al-Mahdi nombró a Saíd:
a) Juez.
b) Intérprete de sueños.
c) Amigo oficial.

licenciada en idiomas

Licenciada en Lenguas Modernas, especialidad en Pedagogía de la Lengua y la Literatura, Magister en Lingüística